
Do you ever feel like you're wasting your time online prospecting for leads? Are you SUPER tired of logging onto your social media account and spamming people in the DM's to take a look at your stuff? People who have absolutely no interest in what you have to offer? And OMG... Have you been spending money on leads to do cold-calling!? Well guess what? Been there, done that! And I've got some great news for you... There is a better way!! Today, I'm going to show you how to ATTRACT the best leads for you and your business and how Pre-qualify them!

There are a number of great ways to pre-qualify potential leads online before you even speak to them. This will save you time and energy, and ensure that you are only talking to people who are genuinely interested in what you have to offer. So, how do you go about it?


Make sure that you are using language in your copy and content that is specific to the people you are trying to reach. Your marketing will repel some people and other people will love it. ONLY speak to those who will love it! If you want to sift, sort and sell to only the highest quality leads, then you want to speak to them and only them in THEIR language.

Don't be afraid to get out there and start teaching and sharing your value with the world. You will never know what the best content is for you and your business until you START CREATING CONTENT. That is when you will get a feel for what your audience wants from you and what works best so that you can attract the people you actually want to attract! Experiment and tweak until you get it right.

If you want a business that you absolutely love then showing up as yourself is the best thing you can do in order to achieve that! There is nothing worse than pretending to be someone you aren't. Be yourself and the people who love who you are will be drawn to you. Everyone is different. Be your kind of different. There are people who are waiting to hear from you and want what you have to offer.

These 3 SUPER SIMPLE tips have helped me to sponsor 15 to 20 people per month in my business in the last 3 1/2 years and I know that if you apply them to your business, they can do the same for you!

In today?s video, I'm going to break down my 3 Tips to Pre-Qualify the BEST Network Marketing Leads Online, (without getting on the phone!)

So, are you ready to take your business and branding to the next level? Let's go....

Navigating Today's Video:

Click here to watch on Youtube.

Resources from today's video:


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Barbie Figueroa

RISE Marketing & Design

Enroll in my 5 Day ?How to Sell Without Selling Challenge?



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